
4/4/20 - Now Shipping to PA and Florida


Safe Shipping
& Pick Up Service

Do you deliver?

A:   Yes!  We are happy to deliver within 15 miles of the winery.  

Is wine shipping even allowed in PA?

A:   Yes.   Pennsylvania has what is called a ‘Direct Wine Shipper’ Permit. (DWS) – We have permit #DWS32793

Every wine producer must apply for this permit and pay an annual renewal fee to ship to a PA resident.  

Wait, you ship to Florida now?

I know crazy right?  Florida is one of the few states that doesn’t require an independent winery to get an extra permit.  Yay free market!


For the safety of our family and for the peace of mind of our customers we have restricted all access to winery production and storage areas effective 3/14/2020.

Protective Gloves

Within the winery we have implemented a 'white glove' policy. Food handling gloves are worn by anyone touching bottles or boxes.

Extra Sanitizing Steps

Each bottle is sprayed with isopropyl alcohol (91%) and wiped with a microfiber cloth as it is packed for shipment.

Curb Side Service

We will gladly pagkage up your wine and put it in your trunk. The winery will be open during expanded hours. 7 Days a week 9am - 6pm for pickups. We live here and we're not going anywhere either. =-)